This blog has been created especially for the NacISD educators enrolled in the "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works" course Spring 2013.
I'm excited to facilitate this course this semester, and hope that everyone is able to get something practical out of it, and to grow more comfortable using technology in your own classroom instruction.
Please feel free to contact me through this blog, or via our campus email if you have any questions or concerns at any time throughout this class, or if there is anything specifically you would like me to address. While I certainly do not have all the answers, I can usually figure out who does---and bring that knowledge back to you (I guess its the librarian in me!)
- Each Monday morning I will have a new blog post that will include the assignments for the week. Please make sure you are checking each Monday morning for them.
- All assignments will be due the following Sunday evening. Assignments will generally be easiest to complete using the "comments" section. In order for this to work, for you to get credit for your work, you will need to make sure I can tell who you are--so if you don't have a Google account, you might want to go ahead and create one. If you already have one, and your "signature" isn't obvious (mine is Mrs. S, for example) shoot me an email.
- Keep in mind that blogs, by their very nature, are NOT private---so be honest in your answers, but only put out there what you are comfortable with people seeing (a great lesson for our students who seem to post anything without thought to who is seeing what).
At some point, our DSC may require that I move the coursework into OpenClass or Moodle. Since there have been SO many issues with getting our online classes up and running this year, I decided to go ahead with creating my own blog as I am very familiar with it, it is easily accesible to everyone, its free, and they are great to create for using with your own classes (depending upon the age group you teach, you may want to use something other than Blogger, but that is for another post.) Basically, I know you are all probably just as busy as I am, and quite frankly I don't want to disrespect your time-----so we are getting started today, with this format, and will continue to use it until I'm told otherwise.
and so, we're off on our grand learning adventure...
image from : http://dragonimages.net/picture/515-flaming-dragon.html
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