Monday, March 4, 2013

Week Five: Reflections

Well folks, we've made it to week 5 of our online CPE course! 

For our last assignment, we will have some reflection time.  Please share something you have learned/will take with you/has made an impact on you from our time in our class.
Enjoy your spring break!


  1. I'm going to try to use the rewards we learned about. In the past when I thought of rewards it was long the lines of "you can have 5 minutes with the iPad it you do...." or printing out a certificate but now I think of how I can feature their work online somehow. Thanks ladies! It's been fun!

  2. Me too, Linsey. The rewards were exactly the best! When I saw the students' work on line, I thought that was a great idea. I have put a few pictures on the school website they had us put up, but I could do so much more with it. I will also work harder in trying to challenge my GT students with tougher questions, but they don't like working harder than everyone else! Lastly, I am glad to see that at least the people in this class are using e-mail and blogs to get parental attention.

  3. This class has inspired me to get my website/blog functioning again. It's been a couple of years, but I think my students would enjoy it. I also love the idea of publishing their work. It's a challenge to think of what work could be published in math. I tend to think of pubishing more in art or writing. I love the idea of having students do more projects based around the questions that they have developed. This class has been great at inspiring me again.

  4. so glad to hear that this class has been useful to you guys. I love the idea of website/blog to post student work. I'm determined to find a great way to use it for the library, too. :)

  5. I have been thinking about the balance between technology and more productive/meaty face time. Students need to interact with their peers and with the teacher, but in ways that produce deeper thinking and better products. The technology should support these ends.

    I write this because I know I'm not there yet, by any stretch of the imagination. Creating an enriching class environment is so much like creating an enriching, nourishing garden. You can have the best dirt, but you are going to have to keep amending it, or it will give out. Then there is water, sun . . .can you tell I'm ready to get my hands dirty?

    Gardening and teaching are a constant work in progress. The weeds always come back.

  6. I think I can institute the online / blog showcase pretty easily for my kiddos. My only concern is whether to implement that into my regular blog and somehow mix the two, or to do a standalone showcase blog. I need to give that a little more thought.

    Enjoyed the class!

  7. I liked being introduced to some of the different programs available online. The Rubistar site will be very useful to me. I would also like to try communicating with students through email. I communicate with parents through email, but I haven't thought about using it with the students. I guess it's because I see them everyday. I was excited to see Kurzweil mentioned in the book. In GCS (content mastery) at the high school, we use Kurzweil 3000 with the students. The program has been a big help for struggling readers. I definitely will use the book and the websites contained in the book as resources to find ways to expand technology use in my classroom.

  8. This has inspired me to start a online web blog for my class. Its too late this year but I will definately have one next year. Its a great idea to be able to communicate with our students parents outside of office hours. Especially if a student is out for the day.
    I am also amazed at the amunt of resources that are out there that no one tells us about. It would be great if there was a good comprehensive district link to the available resources.

  9. I have really enjoyed this course, reading the responses and various tools that have been used. The chapter I liked most was three, Providing Recognition for our student's work and rewards. I plan to use my summer time planning some web based lessons, rewards, data summaries and blogs. I think I will do weekly blog assignments once a week for my class to respond to it whether it be at home or during class time when their work is completed. This will give each student time to respond even if they don't have the internet at home. I will use my site as a communication tool to talk with my class and their parents by posting a weekly newsletter. I will also post assignments for those students who have been absent.

    Lot's of great ideas in this blog and book. I have truly enjoyed this class. Thanks again Sonya!

  10. I have enjoyed my five weeks with everyone. It was nice and informative to learn more about technology in the classroom and actually hear what other teachers in my district are doing in their classrooms. I think for me I need to let go of more control in my classroom and let the students experience more. Although my students are only in the first grade I have learned quickly that they learn fast and they are definitely a generation that loves technology. When I do use technology in the classroom the students are engaged and eager to learn. In the future I would love to educate my parents more about how they can communicate with me through technology and how they can help their child at home through technology.
